


本集团, 其数字化转型(DX)的使命是加速和支持增长型业务战略和结构性改革,以实现其长期愿景.
Against the backdrop of major changes in the external environment, on the basis of the four areas to be addressed with a sense of urgency—governance, 劳动力短缺, 管理数据的分散, 以及由于市场变化而导致的盈利能力下降——十大赌博娱乐平台正在研究DX,以此作为在全球竞争中胜出的手段.

就集团的DX而言, 除了推动三个转型——提升公司治理和业务模式转型,但以业务流程转型为中心——从可视化和标准化*, 生产力的提高, 和复杂的观点, we are concurrently advancing the enhancement of our foundation, 包括在IT系统和人力资源方面, 这将巩固这些转变.


  • 06-01
  • Visualization and standardization: standardize operations, 引入全球管理基础, 更新基础设施和网络

Under the current Medium-term Management Plan, 随着业务流程的转变,十大赌博娱乐平台正在推动彻底的标准化和基于数据的生产力改进,并在集团的全球管理基础以及采购、销售和营销领域,为集团的长期全球增长采取了准备步骤. Regarding the infrastructure and security that support these reforms, we realized remote work that safely enables diverse work styles.
在下一个中期管理计划中, 十大赌博娱乐平台将进入进一步数字化发展和取得成果的阶段,加快增长战略和结构性改革,以实现十大赌博娱乐平台的长期愿景. We will strengthen governance through the effective use of a global management base, while at the same time generating full-fledged results from the DX themes advanced to date. To underpin efforts aimed at achieving these goals, we will develop human resources who can make full use of digital tools and data, and establish a global cyber security response system.

主要实施措施 管理指标 Current Medium-term Management Plan Final Fiscal Year (FY2022) 目标 2022财年业绩
全球管理基础创新 Execution status of development for constructing global standard operation and system models Design and development of a backbone system for global deployment, and preparations for deployment Completion of design and the start of subject business process development, business outline of overseas bases for global deployment being confirmed
全球间接采购改革 Progress status of initiatives aimed at indirect materials 采购 (development plans) Enhancement of 治理(内部控制) by visualization of transaction status, improvement of efficiency by consolidating 采购 operations In the process of deploying indirect 采购 system to major domestic bases, preparations for launch of centralized 采购 organization
Enhancement and improvement of efficiency of sales and marketing duties 旨在销售和营销改革的举措的进展情况(参与人数和工作量转移) 减少向内操作的步骤, expansion of steps in sales activities and use of IT to expand sales Completed introduction of sales support system to sales bases, new data-based business processes under development
推广远程工作(日本) Progress and usage status of initiatives for establishing new normal work styles Provision of remote-work platforms that balance security and convenience Completed deployment of secure remote work platform (MobileNET: 6,000个用户, 集成认证平台:25,000个用户), 建立新的工作作风

作为一家从事各种不同业务的公司,同时建立不同于各部门公司的商业模式, it is not easy to standardize and enhance the sophistication of business operations. In some cases, this process may actually lead to reduced efficiency. 为了防止这种情况的发生,并在整个公司和集团内通过最佳解决方案促进标准化和复杂化, we have established a promotion system headed by our CEO and senior managing executive officer.

To promote DX in unison throughout the Company and Group, we established the Corporate Headquarters Digital Transformation Department, 在此系统中担任项目负责人的角色,从而负责转换业务流程并构建IT基础设施和信息安全.
Having established a Digital Transformation Department at each divisional company, 娱乐大发澳门赌博平台正在利用每个业务的优势加强领域的竞争力.

此外, 数字化转型小组委员会, chaired by the executive officer of the Digital Transformation Department, has been newly established under the Sustainability Committee. 此外,还将审议与数字战略有关的基本政策,并确认数字转型的进展和有效性, DX小组委员会从管理角度审议和决定全集团业务流程标准化和全集团核心系统更新等重要措施.

  • 10-01



DX推广涉及以下各方面的计划和主题的落实:全球管理基础, 采购, 供应链管理, 销售和市场营销.


To support the business strategies of SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group, 它正在全球范围内发展, we are working on the renewal of core systems (global ERP*),这是十大赌博娱乐平台的管理基础. 因此, 十大赌博娱乐平台的目标是通过对决策所需数据的可视化和分析来提高间接业务运营的生产率,从而实现全球综合利润最大化, 业务标准化, 提高效率,同时在全球范围内通过业务标准化和可视化改善治理(内部控制)并最大限度地降低风险.
2022财年, we carried out the design of the target business processes and embarked on their development. 十大赌博娱乐平台还着手确定海外基地的运作大纲,为全球扩张做准备. 展望未来, 十大赌博娱乐平台将推进测试和生产的准备工作,同时进行上线调整.

  • ERP (Enterprises Resource Planning): A system that merges and centrally controls core operations, 比如公司会计, human resources as well as manufacturing and sales operations.


作为全球采购改革的一部分, 十大赌博娱乐平台的目标是将该系统用于采购操作的标准化和交易数据的可视化.
全球交易的可视化将能够威慑和早期发现欺诈活动. 通过全面优化采购,提高购买力,降低采购成本,最大限度减少低附加值作业, while establishing mechanisms and infrastructure that are capable of continuously reducing costs.
In 2022, 十大赌博娱乐平台在一个示范工厂完成了间接采购系统的验证,并逐步在日本的主要地点安装该系统. 十大赌博娱乐平台也在推进集中采购组织的筹备工作,通过整合来增强十大赌博娱乐平台的议价能力和管理/控制.


In the business operations relating to sales and marketing, 问题时有发生, such as the different systems used by each divisional company and many individualized parts. 为了解决这些问题, 推进高效高效商业模式标准化和工作流程实时可视化.
Having completed the introduction of a sales support system at our sales offices in fiscal 2022, 十大赌博娱乐平台正在努力通过利用客户交易状态和数据分析的可视化来加强十大赌博娱乐平台的销售流程.


SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group is promoting remote work in a bid to realize various working styles. 以这种方式, 员工能够在办公室以外的地方(包括家里和外面)使用公司的内部操作系统履行职责.
2022财年, 十大赌博娱乐平台努力巩固MobileNET, IT infrastructure that safely enables access to in-house operating systems from anywhere in the world. 同时, we rolled out integrated authentication infrastructure for the safe and secure use of cloud services, 哪些正在吸引快速广泛的使用.
这些举措使人们能够在2019冠状病毒病大流行期间在家工作,同时保持工作效率和信息安全, and has greatly contributed to the continuity of business and efforts to strengthen IT governance.